Saturday, September 10, 2011

NetApp vStorage Integration: Intelligent Data Management for VMware

NetApp vStorage Integration:
Intelligent Data Management for VMware

As the many Tech OnTap articles about VMware over the past several years attest, NetApp and VMware are long-time partners. Our goal is to provide close integration with VMware to aim for the highest possible functionality for anyone deploying VMware® with NetApp® storage. Ongoing integration projects cover a number of areas, including:
In this article, I focus on intelligent data management. Much of the discussion is based on a presentation I gave at VMworld Europe 2009 in conjunction with Scott Davis, Chief data center architect at VMware. (Here is the presentation slide set. For those with access to the VMworld site, you can view the presentation here.)
At VMworld 2008, VMware announced vStorage, an initiative to provide deeper levels of integration with storage functionality provided by partners such as NetApp. NetApp has been working closely with VMware to refine the vStorage APIs and to develop technologies that take advantage of them. (See the sidebar.)
This article focuses on three areas:
  • FlexClone® capabilities for file cloning
  • Thin provisioning
  • Intelligent data copy
In each area, I’ll try to explain what capabilities are available now as well as provide a glimpse of the level of integration you can expect in the future. Where appropriate, I’ll provide links to the technology demos that we showed at VMworld Europe.

Smart Cloning

The use of NetApp FlexClone with VMware has been discussed in a number of previous articles, including a case study about fast provisioning at North Carolina State University. A companion article in this month’s issue discusses rapid provisioning of VMware virtual desktops by using the NetApp Rapid Cloning Utilities (RCU) version 1.
The ability to clone files quickly obviously has great potential utility in a VMware environment. The standard virtual machine (VM) provisioning process requires a full data copy, which can take 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the size of the template VM. By comparison, a file can be cloned by using FlexClone in a matter of seconds. Cloning a VMDK file is just the first step. To make a bootable clone of a virtual machine, you must perform all of the following steps:
  • Identify the source VM to be cloned.
  • Clone the source virtual disk file with FlexClone.
  • Create unique VMs, attaching a newly cloned virtual disk to each VM.
  • Customize each VM to create a unique Windows® instance using a Virtual Center customization specification.
  • Start each VM
RCU is a new tool that helps manage and automate these steps. RCU takes advantage of the new FlexClone capability in Data ONTAP® 7.3.1: the ability to clone individual files. With this new capability, FlexClone can now be used to clone individual VMDK files or entire data stores, resulting in the ability to create thousands of virtual machines in minutes, while using only a small amount of storage capacity beyond that required to store a single virtual machine image.
NetApp TR-3705: NetApp and VMware VDI Best Practices provides complete details of the process for using RCU version 1 to rapidly clone virtual machines in a virtual desktop environment; the process is the same for a virtual server environment.
Individual iSCSI and FCP RDMs and VMDK files in NFS datastores can currently be cloned. Full vStorage integration enhances performance for these use cases and adds the ability to clone VMFS datastores on both iSCSI and FCP LUNs.
RCU version 2 is due out soon. This enhanced version includes a plug-in for VMware Virtual Center. The following demonstration shows the functionality it provides.
Figure 1) Demonstration of NetApp Rapid Cloning Utilities (RCU) integrated with VMware Virtual Center. (Runtime: 5 minutes)
You may be aware that VMware has introduced its own space-efficient cloning capability for virtual desktop environments called “linked clones.” In the future, through the vStorage APIs, this capability will be plumbed directly to the NetApp file FlexClone capability whenever the ESX host is connected to NetApp storage.
Figure 2) Animation illustrating the advantage of NetApp integration for cloning operations.

Thin Provisioning

Thin provisioning is a part of the core NetApp DNA. When NetApp entered the SAN market it was the first major storage vendor to offer thinly provisioned LUNs. However, there are two challenges involved with thin provisioning, with SAN in general, and with VMware in particular.
  • SAN protocols don’t return any error codes when a storage container runs out of space; therefore there’s no defined behavior for what a storage system should do. If a volume runs out of space, a VM may crash.
  • Guest OS file systems are built inside of LUNs on SAN storage. As the file system grows in size, it slowly consumes space in the LUN. However, file systems may also shrink in terms of the space they need, but there is no mechanism for a guest OS to tell an array that blocks are no longer in use and can be returned to the pool of free space.
Improved error handling. With regard to the first challenge, NetApp has a good understanding of how to handle running out of space and how to do thin provisioning in complex environments. At NetApp’s urging, NetApp and VMware approached the SCSI standards community about creating protocol extensions to enable the SCSI protocol to better support thin provisioning.
This standard is now in place and VMware will be enhancing how it operates in thinly provisioned environments. When implemented, VMware will pause a virtual machine when it receives an “End of Space” error, giving the administrator a chance to resume a VM when more space is made available.
As an alternative, a thinly provisioned volume on NetApp storage can currently be configured to “autogrow.” With this feature you can set constraints on how big a LUN or volume can get; when a set threshold is crossed, the LUN automatically receives incrementally more space so that the operation of critical virtual machines is not interrupted.
Typical approaches to improve application performance
Figure 3) Thin provisioning in a VMware environment. Individual volumes share space from the same pool of storage. With the proposed extensions, VMware will pause operations and allow volume size to be increased. NetApp allows space to be increased without interruption.
Space reclamation. The second challenge was described in detail in a previous Tech OnTap article. Briefly, if you have a client file system in a thinly provisioned LUN and—for instance—you create a large file and then delete it, the client file system considers that space free and available; but from the perspective of the storage system that space is still allocated to the client. By running the space reclamation procedure from within NetApp SnapDrive® running on the client operating system, you can periodically free up such space and return it to the free storage pool on the storage system, where it becomes available for use by any thinly provisioned volume. This process works today on physical Windows systems, and it also works in VMware environments in which individual VMs mount LUNs directly by using NetApp SnapDrive.
To further enhance capabilities for thin provisioning, NetApp and VMware are working on a number of additional enhancements:
  • The ability to identify thinly provisioned LUNs using VMware Virtual Center (This prevents the use of VMware thin provisioning on a LUN that is already thin provisioned by the storage system).
  • High utilization alerts that are sent from the storage system to Virtual Center
In addition, NetApp and VMware are exploring the following:
  • The ability to automatically free up space when VMDK files get deleted from thinly provisioned volumes
  • The ability to do space reclamation on VMFS datastores and NFS datastores

Data Copying and Storage vMotion

Storage vMotion is the storage analog of virtual machine vMotion—data in active use by an ESX host can be transparently migrated from one storage pool to another. This provides zero-downtime data migration and simplifies storage maintenance, tiering, load balancing upgrades, and other storage-related tasks.
In the standard VMware storage vMotion, this is accomplished by copying the data from the source storage pool through the ESX server and writing it out to the target storage. This process is time consuming and can have significant performance impact on hosts, storage, and networks.
NetApp has a long history of moving data efficiently during data protection operations by using NetApp SnapMirror® or SnapVault® software, NDMP, and so on. We are working with VMware to connect the existing Data ONTAP data movement engines to storage vMotion so that data can be copied directly from the source storage to the target storage, bypassing the ESX host. If the source and destination storage are on the same storage system, FlexClone is automatically used (when appropriate) to accomplish the desired task.
Figure 4) Animation showing the advantages of integrating storage vMotion with NetApp storage.


In today’s business climate, doing more with less is a necessity. NetApp’s goal is that whenever VMware needs to copy, clone, or move a block of data, an ESX host can simply pass a NetApp storage system the request and it will figure out the most efficient way to accomplish the operation—freeing ESX server CPU cycles and bandwidth for production work. NetApp FlexClone makes it possible to accomplish many tasks that would otherwise require a full data copy in a fraction of the time, using only incremental additional space. Closely integrating NetApp’s advanced thin provisioning capabilities with VMware further boosts storage efficiency for VMware virtual server and virtual desktop environments.
Got opinions about vStorage and VMware data management?

Ask questions, exchange ideas, and share your thoughts online in NetApp communities.

Jamon Bowen
Arthur Lent
Technical Director

Arthur is the chief architect for the NetApp Virtualization and Grid Infrastructure Business Unit. As an expert in storage for virtual environments, he is responsible for defining and driving NetApp product capabilities for server virtualization technologies, including VMware ESX, Microsoft® Hyper-V®, and Citrix XenServer. Previously, Arthur was the lead architect responsible for the development of NetApp FC SAN and iSCSI products, providing the technology foundation that enabled NetApp to become a leading iSCSI and FC SAN vendor.

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